Church-Wide Community Group
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
We'd love to answer any questions you might have about our church, our community, and what we believe. Please let us know if we can serve you in any way.
We have service every Sunday at 10am.
We meet at New Field Elementary School (1707 W Morse Ave, Chicago, IL 60626).
We can't wait to meet you!
Read our Statement of Faith and Values.
In a city that can often be lonely and disconnected, we aim to create rhythms and spaces for meaningful relationships, engaging with God’s Word, caring for one another, and seeking to love and serve our city.
We are a Bible-saturated, gospel-centered, diverse church in Rogers Park, north side of Chicago.
Financial giving is an act of worship.
It flows out of the willing and generous sacrifice of Jesus displayed on the cross for us.
It's with that same spirit we give by faith in return (don't worry - giving online is safe and easy)!